I have ordered this very special honey twice before from The Old Mill and it was a delicious example of true sourwood honey. However, this last shipment is seriously flawed and compromised by a flavor I have never experienced before in any honey from anywhere. Whatever it was, it was definitely not sourwood honey! I have expressed myself to Sherry at The Old Mill and she is resolving the issue with a fresh shipment from the Weber Family when it is available. Her customer service has been friendly and helpful.
Strained Sourwood Honey - 16 Ounces
The story of sourwood honey is magical! And the taste is wonderful as well. So this year I purchased a case and gave a jar to just about everyone and they all loved it. (People seem to prefer food gifts these days as we all have enough stuff, right?)
Strained Sourwood Honey - 16 Ounces
So disappointed. Didn’t taste anything like the wonderful light tasting Sourwood honey I’ve had in the past. I spat it out. I have never ever seen Sourwood honey that dark in color. Thank you for the refund.